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cycle point

commissioner: brookgate

artists: troika


Artist collective Troika were commissioned to create a projection work for the new multi-storey cycle park which opened in 2016 at the heart of the CB1 development.

‘Continental Drift’ consist of a two-dimensional world map that is projected onto the ceiling by a faceted rotating globe. The projected image shows a world that continuously shifts, stretches and rearranges itself; a map in which landmass is not static nor organised in an established cartographic format. Contrary to a conventional world-map, the continents here drift in and out of the centre, in and out of focus, each instance presenting just another, yet equally true, version of the world.

‘Continental Drift' is part of the CB1 Public Art Programme which is managed by Commission Projects and aims to contribute to the creation of an exciting and distinctive new city quarter.

Image: 'Continental Drift' by Troika.
Photograph: Courtesy of the artists.

© Commission Projects 2019